

The Website resource represents a static website that can be hosted on cloud services. Such websites typically consist of a set of static files, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are updated each time the application is redeployed.

How to Use

Creating a Resource

from pluto_client import Website
website = Website(path="./website", name="website")

Based on the example code above, you can store the static files of the website in the ./website directory, including all static files such as index.html. The name parameter in the constructor can be left empty, with the default name of the website being default, which is related to the final generated URL.

Additionally, it supports deploying the Website to Vercel. You just need to set platform to Vercel in the third parameter options of the constructor, and at the same time, set VERCEL_API_TOKEN and VERCEL_TEAM_ID in the .env file or environment variables. If these are not set or set to invalid parameters, it will default to deploying on the cloud provider you have specified.

Associating Dependent Resources

Static websites might need to access other resources, such as backend services. In such cases, you can use the addEnv method to pass information about other resources to the website.

During deployment, Pluto generates a pluto.js file in the root directory of the website and exposes these variables in the form of window.plutoEnv. Therefore, in the code that follows <script src="pluto.js"></script> (Requires manual addition), you can access these environment variables through window.plutoEnv.

from pluto_client import Function
echo = Function(lambda x: x)
website.addEnv("ECHO_URL", echo.url())