Function Encapsulation Mechanism Design

Function Encapsulation Mechanism Design


To support users in encapsulating the process of reusing infrastructure configuration through functions.

User Story

I am creating a Chatbot based on LLMs (Large Language Models), using Pluto to build the application's backend, which supports multiple LLMs. Each LLM has two interfaces: 1) /{model}/info to get the basic information of the current LLM, and 2) /{model}/invoke to call the LLM. To reuse the process of configuring routes, it is necessary to implement a function to configure routes for a single LLM, and call this function multiple times to configure routes for each LLM.


  1. Code related to runtime should not be called within compile-time code.
  2. Functions encapsulated by users, which include infrastructure code, should be treated as infrastructure functions, similar to Infra APIs; however, their parameter lists may contain closure variables needed by runtime functions.
  3. Functions encapsulated by users cannot have function variables as parameters, which means higher-order functions are not supported.
  4. Parameters of user-defined encapsulated functions cannot be modified, and it must be ensured that the parameters passed to Infra APIs are statically inferable.
  5. Infra APIs can only be called within the global scope and the scope of normal encapsulated functions, but not within the scope of Lambdas, Classes, etc.

The Simplest Case - Encapsulated Function is Single-Layered and Solely Contains Infra API Calls

class LLM:
    def __init__(self, model: str, memory: KVStore, info: str):
        self.model = model
        self.memory = memory = info
    def invoke(self, question: str):
        ans = f"Answer for {question} by {self.model}"
        self.memory.set(question, ans)
        return ans
def add_routes(router: Router, model: str, llm: LLM):
    def invoke_handler(req):
        question = req.query.get("question")
        return llm.invoke(question)
    # Ignoring LLM state storage for now, assuming LLM's memory and other states are already set with a KV database or other external storage instances
    router.get(f"/{model}/info", lambda x:
    router.get(f"/{model}/invoke", invoke_handler)
    # The following behavior is prohibited as it actually accesses runtime variables at compile-time
    # llm.invoke("Hi")
    # router.get(f"/{llm["model"]}/info", lambda x: x["info"])
router = Router("router")
llm1 = LLM("model1", KVStore("memory1"), "LLM Info")
llm2 = LLM("model2", KVStore("memory2"), "LLM Info")
add_routes(router, "model1", llm1)
add_routes(router, "model2", llm2)


add_routes contains infrastructure code, so during the deduce stage, both the definition and invocation of the two methods will be analyzed.

  1. Analyze the definition of add_routes to identify code related to runtime and accessed closure variables, constructing a partial graph.
    1. Use the implemented approach to build partial architecture references, router -> invoke_handler, router -> lambda, invoke_handler -set-> llm.memory
      1. Both router and llm.memory depend on external parameters, placeholders are left to be filled after the parameters are determined.
    2. Static analysis reveals that the invoke_handler function is a runtime entry function.
    3. The invoke_handler function depends on the external variable llm, which is the third parameter of add_routes.
    4. Package the invoke_handler function but leave placeholders for llm.
  2. Analyzing the invocation of add_routes to fill in the partial graph and construct a global graph.
    1. From the previous step, knowing the partial architecture references and the packaged runtime function, bring parameters into the information analyzed in the previous step to fill placeholders.

Encapsulation of Functions that Call Nested Functions

def nested_add_routes(router: Router, model: str, llm2: LLM):
    router.get(f"/{model}/info", lambda x:
def add_routes(router: Router, model: str, llm: LLM):
    def invoke_handler(req):
        question = req.query.get("question")
        return llm.invoke(question)
    nested_add_routes(router, model, llm)
    router.get(f"/{model}/invoke", invoke_handler)

Encapsulation of Functions Containing Compile-Time Executable Code

def create_react_web(project_path: str, name: str | None):
    def build_react(project_path: str, dist_path: str):
        # Execute the React compilation command
    # The following behavior is forbidden, as Infra API parameters are unknown at compile time
    # This also requires users to recognize the difference between compile time and runtime
    # dist_path = build_react(project_path, dist_path)
    dist_path = "path/to/your/dist"
    build_react(project_path, dist_path)
    return Website(dist_path, name)
react_path = "path/to/your/react/app"
website = create_react_web(react_path, "react-app")

Issues with encapsulating functions that contain user-defined, compile-time executable code build_react:

  1. Pluto's design of biz code -> arch ref -> IaC does not include the ability to add user-defined compile-time code.
  2. Furthermore, arch ref requires all parameters to be known during the deduce phase. However, in the case of the encapsulated function described, parameters of arch ref might relate to the user-defined function, as indicated in the comment regarding dist_path.
  3. IaC (Infrastructure as Code) scripts are TypeScript code, which cannot support users defining compile-time code in Python.